Friday, April 29, 2011

Giant Squirrel Fight

By spork or by nunchucks? How would you choose to face a giant squirrel? It doesn't matter - they go straight for the jugular.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Don't Have to Go Home, But You Can't Stay Here

Berkeley is attempting to pass a "Sit Lie" Ordinance that will essentially make it illegal for one to be homeless. There was a protest downtown yesterday that moved to the City Council Meeting where protesters demanded an explanation from elected officials as to how such a law could ever even be proposed to the people of Berkeley. I of course did some quick sketches of these events as they unfolded.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Contemplating Jazz

Wermple ermple urpbah burble.

Self-portrait circa 2007.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I'll be slangin' Gnartoons zines at the free-speech table at the Telegraph Street Faire in Berkeley, CA tomorrow, Sunday April 24th for most of the day. Come hang out!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Business as Usual

In 2008 I drew a series of zines/mini-comics about a band of Rastafarian Dinosaurs called "The Herbivores". Yes, it exists. I never finished the series, I got 4 issues in and just sort of lost interest - as is to be expected in any instance where someone is writing/drawing a comic book series about pot-smoking dinosaurs. I still have plentiful copies of issues #1 and #2 if anybody's interested. Here are the first 5 pages of the first issue, which were published on glossy paper by The Fanatic Press in Slambang Vol. III Issue #4 before I ran the Gnartoons book series.

Friday, April 15, 2011

"Art Walk" or "When Titles Get Lazy"

Brand new Gnartoons! The theme for this week's Free Fridayz contest on is "Art Walk". In the past week I've been inking a ton of "San Francisco Bay Comics" - and having just meandered the Lower Haight Art Walk in San Francisco, I took the opportunity to bust out an extra SFBay Comic this week for the fecal contest and for you guys to gander upon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Caffe Med

I got up at 6:30 AM this morning, which is more often my bedtime than my time to shine - but I'm making an effort not to be nocturnal anymore and today is day #1. Not remembering how to begin a day at this hour, I wandered up to Telegraph Ave to have a cup of coffee and observe how other humans begin their days. I sat down at my favorite table in Caffe Mediterraneum to begin drawing the first comic page of the day. What serendipitous encounter found me today? A chance meeting with yet another close friend of R. Crumb's - from his legendary reign in San Francisco/Berkeley in the late 60's. After a few quick anecdotes about "Bob's" antisocial behavior while living in the city, I started firing off questions prompting my new friend to take a seat with me and begin to fill my head with fantastical Crumb family history from those early years. I asked a lot of questions, not holding back at all from gushing my love for the man's body of work - I've been tending toward painfully direct in my social encounters (apparently even in my blahging, aren't I supposed to be ranting about trapezoids right now?). After hearing all about my hero's antics and his life as a shut-off hermit, I'm feeling a lot better about my recent lapse back into quiet solitude within a raucous, writhing population.

I apologize if you're not familiar with Crumb's work, but if you don't know who R. Crumb is I honestly have no idea how you got here in the first place. For real, google's right there - educate y'self.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hark Thar!

Hark! My delicate glockenspiel solo in the shape of a 'sea-ferrer speaking black-pen monster' is all hunched over on your computer screen right now, look and give listen. Hark it up.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dolores Parked

I drew this quick lil' sketch of Dolores Park before the art walk in the Lower Haight on Friday.